And another thing…

I stumbled across a great blog the other day…

1000 Awesome Things

It’s such a wonderful page, especially when you just need a reminder about the many hundreds of perfectly simple things in life that are truly awesome.

I think it’s a great pick me up for anyone who’s had a less than perfect day. I wrote to a close friend of mine today, who is currently in Thailand and reminding me why I miss her so much. We’ve not known each other very long, but it feels like we have. There aren’t a lot of people I’ve met that I can truly say “get” me, so meeting, befriending and becoming very close to one is something to be cherished.

I just came across this awesome thing on the blog and immediately thought of her.

One response to this post.

  1. Pajamas have my vote!!! And cheers to people who “get” you!


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